Monday, April 26, 2010


My son's humanitarian confirmation ceremony and family dinner-party was this Saturday. It went very well. He was quite the handsome young man in a proper suit. I'll upload pics when I get them on my computer.

This traditional rite of passage from childhood to adulthood is a neat way for the extended family to help establish a good initial capital base for our kids/young adults. Simen got more than 27 500 NOK that is almost 4.700 US dollars and should come in handy when he moves out or to buy his first car.'s funny how stressed out one gets about these things and how utterly happy one gets once it's over. *cheers*

1 comment:

  1. Nice! Wow, that IS a lot of money. Good for you that it's over and that it went well. GRATULERE mæ "vaksen" son! :)
