Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Story Line...

I'm in with one of my RP characters, is a tricky one. She's pure evil and I need to dig down into my darker sides to get my story down. Goddamn how difficult that can be. Don't get me wrong, it's a fascinating character. I love playing around with various topics and mentalities. Des is a halfbreed, I'm doing a memory SL going back in time to a period where the demon side of her was in control. I love the creative funness of writing, but I am no writer, I don't have a clue about the different writing styles and what not. I like to make up stories and I have a vivid imagination. period.

My present favorite is my demonic little Imp. I love her, she's so much fun to play with and she gotz a potato ultrazapper
(Eli - and yes, I call her that - has a love for fancy names)Basically a very primitive miniature potato gun that shoots small potatoes at a rapid speed – harmless to most creatures, painful for the little ones and annoying for all).
Maybe I can give you a story with her if you'd like to, or I feel like it... hmm...I still need to dig out some pretty nasty bad stuff and you know, that can be a lot harder then you'd think it would be, but at the same time a terrifying and fascinating journey.

here's to creativity and the world of imagination XD -cheers-

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