Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The guys painted the house, Saturday. That is, they painted one coat of white. The green around windows, stair rails etc, is left. They're painting the second coat of white today. It's supposed to rain for almost a week from tomorrow. Huzzah for everything that gets done!

My oldest sister and hubby are picking me up today. They've put down marks to where they plan to build their cottage up at Vintland(the farm) In order for them to build their cottage exactly where they want it, they are putting it up right next to the border to my land. They want me to come and take a look, because they want to buy a few meters from me.

Runar's hostility is peaking. He becomes all sharp pointy edges whenever it comes to my family and the farm. I wish it didn't get to me so much. It's annoying. I should be able to tell hubby to shut up about it or get a grip on himself and deal with it in a decent, calm and adult way. I've tried, but it's like throwing gas on a fire....So, I chicken out. I get scared and go silence. Ugh!

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